Protecting Seniors from Financial Abuse

As our population continues to age and grow, a myriad of social and economic issues face the more than 3 million people over the age of 65 living in Texas today. These include financial abuse, limited housing, limited mental health care options, and guardianship concerns. Texas Appleseed partnered with Baker Botts LLP to do initial research to determine what issues are most pressing for Texas' seniors and identified the issues of financial exploitation and housing/home care. Our primary resource, produced in partnership with AARP Texas, addresses the issue of financial exploitation — consumer-friendly guides that are easy to understand and explain common terms financial caregivers would need to know.

Team Members

Headshot of Ann Baddour

Ann Baddour, M.A., M.P.Aff

Fair Financial Services Project

Headshot of Briana Gordley

Briana Gordley, LMSW

Senior Policy Analyst,
Fair Financial Services Project

Key Statistics

Icon of money or two bills


Texans who were victims of elder fraud lost this amount of money in 2021.

Icon of court gavel

About $5 Billion

Amount of Texans' assets controlled by a court or guardian as of 2017, when Texas Appleseed released a toolkit to fight against financial exploitation of elders and vulnerable adults.