Long-Term Care

Texas Appleseed envisions an approach to long-term care that reflects the preferences and vigorously protects the rights of elderly Texans and people with disabilities. 

Most long-term care is delivered at home by spouses, family members, and friends. Because of a health condition or lack of resources, however, many Texans currently or will eventually require care from a nursing home or assisted living facility.

Unfortunately, a vicious cycle of underfunding, inadequate staffing, and negligent oversight leads these facilities too often to cut corners, ultimately to the detriment of the health, well-being, and dignity of the people in their care.

We create tools and conduct original research to educate a range of people, including family members, nursing facility residents, and others about how to navigate long-term care, as well as to empower Texans to advocate for important policy changes.

Team Members

Headshot of Ann Baddour

Ann Baddour, M.A., M.P.Aff

Fair Financial Services Project

Headshot of Gabriella McDonald

Gabriella C. McDonald, J.D.

Deputy Director

Key Statistics

Icon of Texas


The number of nursing homes in Texas

Icon of money or two bills


Average monthly cost of a private nursing home room in Texas

Icon of Texas


The number of assisted living facilities in Texas