From our blog, The Core
HUD Conciliation Agreement an important step towards protecting homeowners’ rights
Texas Appleseed works to ensure that all Texans are able to recover in the wake of a natural disaster, that all communities are rebuilt to be more resilient, and that all families have the opportunity to live in safe, healthy, and thriving neighborhoods with equitable access to opportunity. This work started in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 and is more urgent than ever as disasters become more frequent and more devastating.
We know that communities that are hardest hit — by natural disasters and by social and economic injustice — are too often communities of color and less affluent communities that have been forced into disaster-vulnerable areas, denied basic infrastructure, and overloaded with environmental hazards. Texas Appleseed believes that local, state, and federal governments must remedy past discrimination and disinvestment, and we advocate for a better, safer future for all Texans.