School Discipline

At Texas Appleseed, we fight for safe and supportive learning environments for all young Texans. For far too long, Black and Brown children, LGBTQ+ young people, and kids with disabilities have faced school pushout and exclusionary discipline — largely due to pernicious stereotypes about who they are. In our state and local advocacy, we push policymakers to turn away from zero tolerance measures and invest in holistic forms of discipline, such as restorative practices.

Team Members

Headshot of Andrew Hairston

Andrew R. Hairston, J.D.

Education Justice Project

Headshot of Renuka Rege

Renuka Rege, J.D.

Senior Staff Attorney,
Education Justice Project

Headshot of Deborah Fowler

Deborah Fowler, J.D.

Executive Director

Co-Monitor, M.D. vs Abbott Monitoring Team

Key Statistics

Icon of a school building


In Texas school districts during the 2020-21 academic year, 37,007 threats were assessed and 49.89% were assessed to be no risk.

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Black students comprised 22% of arrests and 40% of use of force incidents from 2011-2015, though they comprise only 13% of total student enrollment in Texas. While Black and Latino students are not more likely to misbehave than their White peers, Black youth, and to a lesser degree Latino youth, are much more likely to have their behavior addressed by school police officers.