Questions and Answers on Insurance Claims

Madison Sloan

Homeowner’s insurance plays a vital role in disaster recovery, not only helping families and businesses to rebuild, but also providing coverage for temporary housing and replacing personal possessions. However, homeowner’s insurance does not cover flood or windstorm damage for certain homeowners. Flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program and windstorm insurance through the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association are separate insurance policies with different coverage. We wanted to take a moment to answer some questions that have come up related to insurance claims in Harvey’s wake.


Our new fact sheet covers some of these major issues below, plus includes tips for filing a claim and other resources.

• Filing dates 
• The major effects ofHB 1774, a new law that went into effect on September 1 
• What happens after filing a claim 
• Information on whetherinsurance will help with any living expenses while you are not in your home 
• What to do while waiting for a response from your insurance company





Maddie Sloan is the Director of Fair Housing and Disaster Recovery at Texas Appleseed. We send a special thanks to Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP for their pro bono help with this fact sheet.