Local Leaders Expand Access to Safe & Affordable Small-Dollar Loans

Ann Baddour

Texas cities are taking the lead — both standing up to predatory payday and auto title lending and encouraging market-based fair loans. In September, Texas Appleseed released acity toolkitto share success stories of local efforts to expand fair lending one community at a time.

TheCommunity Loan Center, a homegrown employer-based small loan program, is one of a growing array of positive loan products expanding in Texas. Longview, Texas, is the latest Texas city to build partnerships to expand access to fair, low-cost loans. Listen to Longview City Council Member Kristen Ishihara and Kerry Bashaw, with the East Texas Council of Governments, tell their local story of change.

Local Leaders Expand Access to Safe and Affordable Small Dollar Loans

This post is part of Texas Appleseed’s 20th anniversary celebration. Between now and the end of December, we’re celebrating 20 of our proudest accomplishments. Learn about the rest of our work here and on social media.