Mental Health

Mental illness intersects with the legal system in a range of situations in Texas, including civil commitments, criminal prosecutions, and detention and removal proceedings in our immigration system. Texas Appleseed is committed to working on reforms and formulating policies to protect and benefit those with mental illness.

Our work on the Mental Health Code focused on reforms to civil commitments, or court-ordered mental health treatment. In highlighting needed revisions to the law, Texas Appleseed documented ways to improve the process, thereby protecting the safety of the community and the rights of the individual.

Texas Appleseed also worked on forensic commitment reform to divert defendants with mental illness from the criminal justice system to the civil system and/or outpatient settings. Many of these individuals could benefit from alternative treatments — such as outpatient treatment from a doctor or inpatient treatment in a less-restrictive facility — rather than hospitalization. The benefits of these alternatives include lower costs, reduced likelihood of recidivism, and better-supported transition into the community.