
OPENING EXCERPT: Dear Mayor Rawlings and Dallas City Council Members, We write to urge the City of Dallas to end the juvenile curfew (Curfew) currently scheduled to expire in January of 2019. While the purpose cited by the Dallas Police Department (DPD) for enacting and maintaining a curfew—to prevent the victimization of juveniles—is laudable, citing minors and funneling them into the court process for merely being out of their homes or school ultimately harms more than helps them. Juvenile curfews undermine success for young people by bringing them into contact with the criminal justice system. SEE RELATED INFOGRAPHIC:
Many students, parents, and educators have concerns about how to keep their campuses safe. This flier will help explain what works to create safe schools and what can actually be harmful for students.
Muchos estudiantes, padres y educadores tienen dudas sobre cómo mantener la seguridad de su campus. Este folleto ayudará a explicar qué enfoques funcionan para crear escuelas seguras y cuáles pueden ser realmente perjudiciales para los estudiantes.


Criminal Discovery
Immigrant Children & Families
Mental Health
Bail Reform & Pretrial Justice
Civil Asset Forfeiture
Coerced Debt
Criminal Justice
Debt Collection
Disaster Recovery & Fair Housing
Education Justice
Fair Financial Services
Fines & Fees
Foster Care & Courts
Homeless Youth
Juvenile Justice
Other Issues
Payday & Auto Title Lending Reform
Protecting Seniors from Financial Abuse