
Opening Excerpt: Submitted by Mary Mergler, Texas Appleseed & Emily Gerrick, Texas Fair Defense Project. To: Chairman Moody and Members of the Committee: During the 85th legislative session, the Texas legislature wisely passed two important bills designed to improve procedures in criminal cases when defendants are unable to pay fines, court costs, and fees. Both Senate Bill 1913 and House Bill 351, which were substantively very similar with the exception of some minor differences, were based upon recommendations from the Texas Judicial Council led by Chief Justice Nathan Hecht. The two bills were signed by Governor Abbott on June 15, 2017, and took effect on September 1, 2017. The legislation made a number of meaningful improvements to state law to help ensure all defendants were treated fairly in the criminal courts regardless of their ability to pay fines, costs and fees. Among the key changes made by the legislation are the following.
OPENING PARAGRAPH: Dear Mr. Phillips and Ms. Lagrone: We have carefully reviewed the Regional Methods of Distribution (MODs) suballocating Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery (CDBGDR) funds submitted by the nine eligible Councils of Government (COGs) as required by the Texas Action Plan for Hurricane Harvey. Many of these MODs do not comply with the State Action Plan, the GLO MOD Guidelines, or in some cases, the Federal Register Notice, and should be returned for revision to address these issues, and reposted for public comment.
Many students, parents, and educators have concerns about how to keep their campuses safe. This flier will help explain what works to create safe schools and what can actually be harmful for students.
Muchos estudiantes, padres y educadores tienen dudas sobre cómo mantener la seguridad de su campus. Este folleto ayudará a explicar qué enfoques funcionan para crear escuelas seguras y cuáles pueden ser realmente perjudiciales para los estudiantes.


Criminal Discovery
Immigrant Children & Families
Mental Health
Bail Reform & Pretrial Justice
Civil Asset Forfeiture
Coerced Debt
Criminal Justice
Debt Collection
Disaster Recovery & Fair Housing
Education Justice
Fair Financial Services
Fines & Fees
Foster Care & Courts
Homeless Youth
Juvenile Justice
Other Issues
Payday & Auto Title Lending Reform
Protecting Seniors from Financial Abuse