
Portion of Letter to the Texas Education Agency: The state will soon have access to additional funding through the Governor’s Emergency Relief Fund authorized under section 18002 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act as well as the ability to repurpose existing educational funding to support distance learning and students in high-need areas. As schools remain closed throughout the state to curb the impact of COVID-19, it is imperative that Texas provide school districts with the resources necessary to deliver a quality education to its most vulnerable students. Students who are more likely to be marginalized during this period are those without access to computers or the internet and those living in environments that are not conducive to receiving virtual instruction. To ensure the state fulfills its constitutional requirement to provide a quality education , the additional and repurposed funding for education should be directed toward the 1 needs of: • Students of color; • Economically disadvantaged students; • Children with disabilities; • Homeless students; • Immigrant students; and • Youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems.


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Civil Asset Forfeiture
Coerced Debt
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Disaster Recovery & Fair Housing
Education Justice
Fair Financial Services
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Homeless Youth
Juvenile Justice
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Protecting Seniors from Financial Abuse