
Texas has a new law in effect. House Bill (HB) 674 ends out-of-school suspensions for Texas students in preschool through 2nd grade. Students can still be punished with in-school suspensions and they can still be suspended out of school for serious offenses like assault, drug possession, and weapon possession. This infographic contains details on positive behavior plans and how you can support your school, as well as who to call if your campus is not following the new law.
Austin’s Juvenile Curfew Ordinance (JCO) creates a Class C misdemeanor to punish youth who are not in school or who are out at night between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am. Kids as young as 11 years old can be sent to adult criminal court, without an attorney, face fines of up to $500, and can end up with a criminal record. Research shows that this type of justice system contact is harmful for youth—it impacts their ability to succeed in school and can lead to additional harmful court and police interactions. Click Fact Sheet for More >>
This is a fact sheet from Educators in Solidarity, highlighting what is and is not working in our classrooms and schools.


Criminal Discovery
Immigrant Children & Families
Mental Health
Bail Reform & Pretrial Justice
Civil Asset Forfeiture
Coerced Debt
Criminal Justice
Debt Collection
Disaster Recovery & Fair Housing
Education Justice
Fair Financial Services
Fines & Fees
Foster Care & Courts
Homeless Youth
Juvenile Justice
Other Issues
Payday & Auto Title Lending Reform
Protecting Seniors from Financial Abuse